First test is almost done!
The first test of Shadow-Mapper 0.2 is almost done! It will test the IMG dll I wrote. The program will be an IMG editor like SparkIV/OpenIV. With add/remove/rebuild features.
Keep an eye on this page.
Shadow Mapper continues..
Thnx for the votes. I”ve decided to continue development of Shadow-Mapper! I will do it a little bit different this time tho. I am going to release tests as I want to know what is working for everyone if they need to install anything, fps that kind of stuff. Don’t want the annoying java trouble you all had to go through before you could even start this program. You will not be able to map mod with those tests, maybe you won’t even be able to see anything usefull!
First tests will be soon!
Shadow Mapper 0.2 or not?
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